Photography Resources

Photography is the cornerstone of my business. While I believe you can learn on basic equipment, you’ll eventually find yourself needing to upgrade your tools to a professional kit if you decide to pursue a photography career. Here’s some gear and tools that I recommend and use myself:

Camera Gear

DSLR Camera: EOS 6D Mark II
Mirrorless Camera: Canon R6
Min-range Lens: EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM
Affordable Prime Lens: 50 mm
Macro Lens: 100mm
Tripod: Vanguard Alta Pro
Level for overhead shots: Camera Level
Camera Bag

Natural and Artificial Lighting Gear:

Diffuser (I use this in every shoot)
Strip Softbox (slightly moody, but still able to make light and bright images! Plus it’s small!)
Light Stands
Flash and Trigger (this is compatible with my camera)
Clamps (I use these to hold up literally everything)


Props and other shooting supplies:

Kitchen Tile Background: Moroccan Tile

I keep an updated list of props I’m loving here.

I also love Etsy, Ebay, and thrift shops for props.



Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I get a small kickback for some of the items if purchased. Thanks for helping me keep this site up and running!


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